Noble Energy has approached us with a request to assist in the construction of various piping systems it is constructing in its offshore gas receiving and processing stations. We assist with the construction steps by mapping the current situation of the pipes in order to detect compliance or deviation from the plan. In addition, we develop execution alternatives according to the detected mismatches and then accompany the actual assembly by marking the connection points and rotation angles of the various pipes.
And all this, by the way, is much more complex thanwhat it sounds like......
The gas pipeline at the Leviathan reservoir from the sea to the coastal reception station is made of very heavy, very expensive and very stiff pipe parts. When constructing such a complex pipeline, the margin of error and the possibility of correcting it is very narrow and expensive, there is no room for error.
Geometric control of piping arrays
We are happy to accompany the construction of the project on a continuous basis by assisting the pipeline sub-contractor in understanding the pipeline’s location and route in order to enable him to successfully complete the sections.
Each such section is constructed from both directions. This means that the pipe is placed along the route from both directions and is supposed to “meet” and close at the end.
3D laser scanning of piping systems
The fact that the working conditions were very difficult (rise of groundwater, unstable soil and working in changing terrain are only some of the difficulties), and since the project involves a large number of planners and sub-contractors from different countries, some of the sections require close geometric supervision to ensure that the segments are successfully closed.
Challenging terrain
Mapping, modeling, developing alternatives and controlling execution
The assistance and control we provide to Noble Energy are carried out in a number of stages and are combined with several methods of measurement and modeling:
First, we perform a 3D laser scan of the entire pipeline and the planned connection point. We have developed a scanning method that allows us to obtain precise measurements and data on the pipe even when it can not be scanned at all its circumference and when the scanning conditions are particularly difficult. That way, we were able, for example, to place a 50 meters pipe in with a 5 mm precision from end to end.
“Point Cloud” of the piping array
After we perform the 3D laser scan, we 3D model the relevant segments of the pipeline using designated modeling software, and with the model we search for any mismatches or points where it will not be possible to close or complete the array.
The part is scanned of site then it is modeled and “virtualy” inserted into the piping system to ensure compatibility
According to the model and the As Made conditions as we have documented we develop assembly alternatives in colaboration with the customer. In order to save the customer the need to manufacture new parts or repair existing parts, all the alternatives that are offered are based on pipe parts, joints and angles that exist and are available in stock.
Flanges mismatch
After the execution alternative was choosen, we mark the various connection points to adjust the direction, angle, rotation, length and more, we then supervise the execution by laser scans to verify that the execution is indeed compatible with the plans.
Determining execution alternatives
The project is an ongoing project and we are called upon to assist each time a section is about to be completed and a final exact match of the pipe parts is required.
ROI or why lack of knowledge costs more than acquiring knowledge
The pipe arrays are made of heavy and expensive parts, and the works are conducted under challenging conditions. Each section installation requires a team of workers, cranes and other heavy tools. The immediate meaning of an error in execution, rework, the need to manufacture new parts, delay in completing a section, stopping work, etc. … are heavy costs to the customer. In cooperation with Noble Energy and its contractor, we developed a method of surveying, investigating and executing in record time in order to enable the completion of the work quickly, while reducing errors to the minimum, reducing rework, eliminating the need to manufacture new pipe parts and significantly shortening the timetables. We were happy to find that we provided the customer with valuable service and information, enough to be re-called to the site each time a complex pipeline segment approaches its finishing stage.